11 plus (11+) exam

11 Plus Exam (11+exam)

What is 11 Plus Exam (11+exam)?

The 11 Plus Exam (11+exam) serves as the cornerstone for selecting students eligible for independent or state grammar schools in specific regions in UK. The 11 Plus Exam (11+exam) is typically taken by Year 6 students, generally aged around 10 or 11. The 11 Plus Exam (11+exam) represents a pivotal juncture in a students' academic journey, making their transition from primary education to the next level. Achieving success in the 11 Plus Exam (11+exam) opens doors to the challenging academic curriculum and forward-looking educational opportunities provided by esteemed independent or state grammar schools. This is an selective process for schools to sort out the best fitting students to for entry to their Year 7.

What does the 11 Plus Exam (11+exam) look like?

11 Plus Exam (11+exam) consists of written test and interview. The written test has four parts: Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning, which includes Spatial Reasoning sections.


The 11 Plus Exam (11+exam) Maths paper aim to assess students' numerical proficiency. Usually students need to go beyond Year 6 Maths national curriculum in order to win over in the 11 Plus Exam (11+exam). This maths section will test their grasp of fundamental and advanced mathematical concepts.


The 11 Plus Exam (11+exam) English test is designed to test students' language proficiency. It may evaluate their comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and spelling skills. If there is a written exercise, it will evaluate their capacity to effectively convey ideas in written form. This exercise might require them to craft an essay,a descriptive passage, or respond to a specific prompt, thereby scutinizing their writing skills, creativity, organization, coherence, and the ability to express ideas and arguments clearly.

Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning:

The 11 Plus Exam (11+exam) Reasoning paper is designed to guage students' logical thinking, deductive reasoning, and problem-solving abilities. It features questions that necessitate critical thinking, spatial reasoning, verbal reasong, and non-verbal reasoning skills.


There will be several questions that come up in the 11 Plus Exam (11+exam) interview. The topics may vary from different independent schools. The interviewer’s assessment will primarily focus on evaluating the candidates’ communication skills and determining their suitability for the school. In order to gauge a candidate’s compatibility, interviewers will pay close attention to the candidate’s ability to express their thoughts, emotions, and opinions openly and fluently in response to inquiries. They will seek responses that go beyond brief, one-word answers, as these provide insight into the child’s individual perspectives and sentiments. Candidates who can elaborate on their responses and provide reasons will convey their personality effectively and demonstrate strong communication abilities.

How to prepare for 11 Plus Exam (11+exam)?

11 Plus Exam (11+exam) Maths test, most competitive schools will have questions that go beyond the national average for Year 6 students. Mental arithmetic forms the basis of most papers and could be tested both in a verbal or written form. Therefore, it is better that students have regular practice.


11 Plus Exam (11+exam) English test, as the main focus should be around comprehension and creative writing skills, students can keep the habit of reading and applying solid techniques and vocabulary into their own creative writing.

11 Plus Exam (11+exam) verbal and non-verbal reasoning test, students can do more puzzles and word games in order to have stronger logic abilities, such as sudoku, jigsaws, scribble and etc.


11 Plus Exam (11+exam) interviews, students can prepare some questions beforehand, such as questions about themselves and their family. Besides, learning about interview etiquette will also help student stay confident and polite during the interview process.


In order to make students more used to the 11 Plus Exam (11+exam), students can also have several mock exams before the exam day.

Independent Schools with 11 Plus Exam (11+exam) entry:

  • St. Paul’s Junior School
  • St. Paul's Girls' School
  • City of London School Junior
  • City of London School for Girls
  • James Allen Girls' Junior School
  • Latymer Upper School
  • St. James Senior Girls'/Boys' School
  • Godolphin and Latymer School
  • Alleyn’s Junior School
  • Westminster Under School


State Grammar Schools with 11 Plus Exam (11+exam) entry:

Tiffin School

The Tiffin Girls' School

Wallington High School for Girls

Queen Elizabeth's School

Tonbridge Grammar School for Girls

Townley Grammar School


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